


Since its first release in 2014, Alexa has become a part of every home. According to insider intelligence research, more than 68% of the UK’s smart appliance users have Amazon Echo. Using Alexa is pretty simple. All you need to do is “voice command”. And within seconds, it plays the songs or shows you the results. How Much Electricity Does Alexa Use But, do you ever wonder how much electricity Alexa uses? The speaker is connected to electricity 24/7. Does it add up a lot to your monthly bills? Well, if you are searching for these answers, here’s the information we don’t want you to miss: Alexa consumes 0.134 watts of energy at low power mode. As per the current 0.34p energy prices per kWh in the UK, it costs less than 1 pence to use it per hour. It will cost you over £8 per year. But do all…